Save the East Neuk Ridge!
The proliferation of wind turbine applications in the area keeps on growing, with the result that the whole of the Coastal Ridge above the famed East Neuk villages will soon be covered in large-scale Wind Turbines. A quick look at a map shows that before we know it, the East Neuk will be dominated by these ugly and near useless monstrosities, and our fantastic tourist industry, for which we are renowned throughout the world, will be in tatters.
Take a walk down the B940 from Higham Toll towards the Anstruther Road, and see how things are shaping up.....
1. First on the Journey is North Cassingray Farm , Fife (Planning Ref. 11/06388/FULL)
An application for 1 turbine (112ft/34.5m), currently pending consideration by Fife Council. This turbine will be approximately 2 miles to the north west of Kellie Law, and the smallest of the applications in the area so far. There are no objections to this application(?) as yet....
2. Travelling a little further along the road is North
Baldutho Farm, Anstruther, Fife, KY10 2RY (Planning Ref. 11/01314/FULL)
The application here is for 2 turbines (152.5ft/46.9m), currently pending consideration at Fife Council. These turbines
are located approximately 1.7 miles to the north west of Kellie Law, and will sit very close to the entrance of the Lingo Farm site, just off the B940. There are 6 objections to this application to date.
3. A little further to the south of North Baldutho is Belliston Quarry, Arncroach, Fife, KY9 1JS (Planning Ref. 11/01449/SCR & 11/03580/SCO)
The developers have applied for a Scoping/Screening Opinion for one wind turbine (304ft/93.5m). This turbine will be located less than one third of a mile to the west of the turbines at South Baldutho and then Kellie Law, and very visible on top of the coastal ridge. Belliston Quarry is a known nesting site for a pair of Peregrine Falcons (protected species), and yet this has not deterred them at all, although public protest direct to the Scottish Executive Planners did ensure that they now have to do a full Environmental Impact Assessment. Watch this space....
The developers have applied for a Scoping/Screening Opinion for one wind turbine (304ft/93.5m). This turbine will be located less than one third of a mile to the west of the turbines at South Baldutho and then Kellie Law, and very visible on top of the coastal ridge. Belliston Quarry is a known nesting site for a pair of Peregrine Falcons (protected species), and yet this has not deterred them at all, although public protest direct to the Scottish Executive Planners did ensure that they now have to do a full Environmental Impact Assessment. Watch this space....
4. Almost immediately to the east of the quarry, and very close to Kellie Law is South Baldutho Farm, KY10 2RX (Planning Refs. 11/04749/FULL &11/04748/FULL)
There are two separate planning applications here, one for each of two turbines (150ft/47m), currently pending consideration at Fife Council. Their proximity to Gillingshill Nature Reserve, Kellie Law, the nesting site of Peregrine Falcons at Belliston Quarry, several residential properties and businesses, as well as their prominence on the coastal ridge make these applications particularly pressing. So far, there are 73 objections to each of them. (See post below.)
There are two separate planning applications here, one for each of two turbines (150ft/47m), currently pending consideration at Fife Council. Their proximity to Gillingshill Nature Reserve, Kellie Law, the nesting site of Peregrine Falcons at Belliston Quarry, several residential properties and businesses, as well as their prominence on the coastal ridge make these applications particularly pressing. So far, there are 73 objections to each of them. (See post below.)
5. Heading directly northwards again, we come to Lingo Farm..... (Planning Ref. 12/00153/SCR)
This is a proposal from West Coast Energy to put in 5 turbines (325ft/100m) at the Lingo Farm site, about 2 miles north of Kellie Law. This is very near to Cameron Loch, an SSSI site, and location for many bird migrations through the season. West Coast Energy, the development company, have a reputation for obtaining planning permission and then selling the site on to another company, and it is likely that there will eventually be more turbines at this ecologically sensitive site. Their height means that they will be visible from many locations in Fife, including the East Neuk Coast and St Andrews. So far, there are 108 objections.
6. From Lingo, we travel on along the central part of the road towards Pittarthie Farm, Fife, KY10 2RZ (Planning Ref, 11/00135/SCR &
An application
for screening opinions on 2 turbines here (162ft/50m). These turbines will be located very near the to the turbines at Lingo, but as these are screening opinions, there is no opportunity for the public to comment yet.
7. Balhouffie Farm, Fife KY10 (Planning Ref. 11/03869/FULL)
Just a little further down the road will be a turbine of 124ft/38.25m. This one slipped under the radar, and planning permission with conditions was granted just a short while ago....
7. Balhouffie Farm, Fife KY10 (Planning Ref. 11/03869/FULL)
Just a little further down the road will be a turbine of 124ft/38.25m. This one slipped under the radar, and planning permission with conditions was granted just a short while ago....
8. And finally, just before you come to the Anstruther/St Andrews Road, you come to Balmonth,
Bonerbo and Drumrack Farms, Fife, KY10 2RU (Planning Ref. 12/00482/FULL)
These three farms have 'clubbed' together, and have just put in for planning permission for three turbines (204ft/63m). These are located on the other side of Kelly Law and will provide a visual link to the 300+ft Wind Turbines that the University is proposing at Kenly Farm.....!
Some of our most beautiful, ecologically sensitive and important site are under real threat from these developers, who will simply be taking the money elsewhere, leaving our own local economy in tatters, and our countryside and ecology ruined.
Please put your Objections in to the Council and let them know that NE Fife is not the place for large-scale Turbine Developments.
How to Object:
1. On-line at
You can lodge your objection to any, or all of the above planning applications at the Council's planning web site. Simply put the name or reference number into the search engine, to bring up the application, and type away....
2. By e-mail to
You must write your letter of objection and save it as a PDF before sending it as an attachment to the above e-mail address. It's always useful to send a copy of it to the following individuals as well while you're at it....!
Some of our most beautiful, ecologically sensitive and important site are under real threat from these developers, who will simply be taking the money elsewhere, leaving our own local economy in tatters, and our countryside and ecology ruined.
Please put your Objections in to the Council and let them know that NE Fife is not the place for large-scale Turbine Developments.
How to Object:
1. On-line at
You can lodge your objection to any, or all of the above planning applications at the Council's planning web site. Simply put the name or reference number into the search engine, to bring up the application, and type away....
2. By e-mail to
You must write your letter of objection and save it as a PDF before sending it as an attachment to the above e-mail address. It's always useful to send a copy of it to the following individuals as well while you're at it....!
3. Or you can simply send a letter by traditional post to
Enterprise, Planning and Protective Services
Forth House
Abbotshall Road
You can use the letter about South Baldutho Farm's applications for your template (see post below), but if you need any help with your letters, further information about any of the applications or campaign, or want to be more involved, then e-mail us on
3. Or you can simply send a letter by traditional post to
Enterprise, Planning and Protective Services
Forth House
Abbotshall Road
You can use the letter about South Baldutho Farm's applications for your template (see post below), but if you need any help with your letters, further information about any of the applications or campaign, or want to be more involved, then e-mail us on
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