Friday, 30 March 2012

Carnbee & Arncroach Vote on Lingo Turbines

Yesterday saw the Community Council vote on the Lingo Turbine proposal, and the majority of the community gave a resounding thumbs down to the proposal. Sixty people voted against it, with only forty-four voting in favour, a clear majority for the "NO" vote.

It remains to be seen whether or not the Community Council will now be more open to the Pro-Environment position - remember that the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary are all members of the local Community Development Trust, whose main (only?) activity so far has been to chase turbine money in the form of Community Benefit. And will the Community Development Trust change their position as a result? So far they have maintained that their position is one of 'neutrality', although of course negotiating with developers is seen as tacit agreement to their proposals, and can certainly be spun that way in any press that developers put out.

All this activity by the CDT has taken place without the organisation recruiting any more members since its original inception several years ago (apart from the Chair of the Community Council); all of its 'members' are from the original steering group who pledged to step down once/if the CDT was established by the community - so far they have yet to do so. At last count there was a maximum of ten people with 'membership' of the CDT, three of whom are also office-bearers on the Community Council, and one who is the Factor of Balcaskie Estate, which also happens to have an application for two wind turbines on the East Neuk Ridge at North Baldutho Farm, currently going through Fife Council's Planning System.

Good to see that Democracy is alive and well in Carnbee and Arncroach.....

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