Friday, 9 March 2012

Couldn't have put it better ourselves.....

The anger over wind turbines cropping up just about everywhere continues to build and find expression all over the UK. This letter, published yesterday in a local paper in Shropshire, is typical of the many that are now beginning to appear. The politicians need to start taking action....

Letter: Fury over wind turbine proposals

Friday 9th March 2012, 8:00AM GMT.
Letter: Fury over wind turbine proposals
'The recent meeting held with regards to the wind turbine proposals for an area of countryside across Minsterley and Worthen showed the depth of feeling and anger among the community which these blots on the landscape will affect.
What is being allowed to occur in our countryside is vandalism on a grand scale by the few to the detriment of the many.
These few people who are so willing and happy to sell out their neighbours, their communities, and their countryside, they risk becoming the social pariahs of their communities where once they commanded some respect.
One turbine is as objectionable as a windfarm or a swathe of electricity pylons.
I find it hard to believe that a wind turbine in view of a property –or properties – will not have a significant affect on the value of those properties.
The visual impact these things have on the open countryside is horrendous and the affect on tourism to the British countryside will become a major concern in the future if this is allowed to continue.
We see dubious support for some of these turbines from fellow residents on the planning register which is open for all to view.
Views such as ‘They are not that noticeable’ through to the side-splitting ‘people never noticed it until it was pointed out to them’ down to the ‘farms need to diversify’ argument.
This has nothing to do with farming diversification, this is purely down to making a quick buck.
The truth is many people are unaware of plans for single turbines until they are actually erected, unlike mini or large windfarms where the media may pick up on the issue.
The full benefits of wind turbines are still debatable, and if we do have a real need for wind turbines now or in the future then they should be off shore, not littering the British countryside, which belongs to all not the few.'
Andrew Finch

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