Wednesday 13 June 2012

An Update on the East Neuk Ridge...

Currently in planning along East Neuk Ridge from Largoward to Boarhills (this does not include those turbines already consented but not yet erected, eg 2 x 37 m at Higham and 1 x 38m and 1 x 23m at Balhouffie)

North Cassingray Farm - 1 turbine of 112ft / 34.2m 
(Planning Ref. 11/06388/FULL)

South Cassingray Farm - 2 turbines of 325ft / 100m (Planning Ref. 10/02616/FULL)Appeal being considered by Scottish Executive

North Baldutho Farm - 2 turbines of 95ft / 29m (Planning Ref. 11/01314/FULL)
Knightsward - 1 turbine of  108ft / 33m (Planning Ref. 
12/02174/SCR)Screening opinion
South Baldutho Farm - 2 turbines of 151ft / 46m  and 156ft / 47.5m (Planning Refs. 11/04749/FULL &11/04748/FULL)

Belliston Quarry - 2 turbines of 304ft / 92.5m (Planning Ref. 11/01449/SCR & 11/03580/SCO) Papers not yet submitted to Fife Council but “community consultation” started

Lingo & South Kinaldy Farms - 5 turbines of 335ft /102 m (Planning Ref. 12/00129/EIA)

Pittarthie Farm - 2 turbines of 220ft / 67m  (Planning Ref, 11/00135/SCR & 11/00180/SCR)Full Application not yet submitted to Fife Council

Drumrack, Bonerbo and Balmonth Farms - 3 turbines of 220ft / 67 m (Planning Ref. 12/00482/FULL)

Kenly Farm (University Site) - 6 turbines of 325ft / 100m (Planning Ref. 11/0279/EIA)

1 comment:

  1. 10/02616/FULL South Cassingray refused on appeal to Scottish Ministers due to significant and detrimental operational impact on the performance of the MOD’s Air Traffic Control radars at RAF Leuchars. Surely this applies to many more applications across NE Fife?
